Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble (Eccl 4:9-10) And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all... (1 Thess 3:12).
Think of how sweet it is to eat a Twix Candy bar. We get two in a single package. Two are better than one. We must continue to grasp a hold of one another as a family while gripping to the Gospel. We cannot let go of either.
Pray for our ministry teams at HVFC
Alpha: Pray for those who are coming for the very first time, that they receive all that the Lord has in store for them. Pray wisdom for the table leaders and helpers as they engage in dialogue concerning each evenings’ teaching. Pray over the full Alpha staff for wisdom, boldness and courage as they minister to those who are seeking the Lord.
Council: Continued unity and spiritual wisdom as they make decisions in 2025.
Faith Centered Conversations: Growth in the Word and Love in each group. Wisdom for the Facilitators as they lead the discussions.
Children and Young Adult: Pastors Brandon and Abi: Continued spiritual wisdom as they teach each age group the Word of God. That each age group will understand the Word and grow deeper in relationship with Christ.
Worship Team and A/V Teams: Wisdom in leading us in worship each Sunday morning as they worship. Continued boldness to speak and worship the truths, love and grace of Jesus Christ.
Men’s Group that meets Tuesday evenings: Continued growth in Christ and in the Word.