After the ascension of Jesus all of the disciples gathered in the upper room to pray in one accord and supplication. Mary, the mother of Jesus along with His brothers were also there with the disciples. This was a huge family, not all necessary blood related, but all one huge family praying together (Acts 1:12-14). It is important to remember that this group of people traversed some amazing spiritual terrain with each other, and they were set up to continue to do so even after the ascension of Jesus. The importance here is how they remained together through it all.
Family is a light source of love, strength and unity. Families celebrate the mountain top highs
and uplifts while in the valley lows. Family members stand side by side through the thick and
thin of it all. Family members shape and challenge making us more Christ like.
We all have family members, or even ourselves, who need prayer over specific illnesses, marriages, healing from past hurts and those dealing with bouts of depression. Jesus reminded His disciples that there would be tribulation in the world but to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. Pray for the peace that surpasses all understanding in all circumstances.
Today we take the time to lift up our family members to the Lord making requests and supplications for each member. Pray for the other families of our HVFC family as they come to mind during your time with the Lord.